Interactive narrative researcher & game designer

Building Non-Linear Stories with Tropes
Querying Home Sensor Data with SPARQL
Create a live-action fighting game with your friends as characters
Every Object Tells a Story
An interactive, generative Punch and Judy show
IBM is still making ThinkPad keyboards
Solving the Monty Hall problem in Clojure
What do you want to do with your life?
Blogging using just org-mode and github-pages
Global Game Jam 2014: Bristol Edition
Discovering Japanese artists with Artfinder
Why are stories still linear?
Governing Narrative Events with Tropes as Institutional Norms (ALIA 2016, in press)
A Modal Logic Analysis of a Line-Following Robot (ALIA 2016, in press)
Describing Legal Policies as Story Tropes in Normative Systems (JURIX 2016 poster)
Telling Non-Linear Stories with Interval Temporal Logic (ICIDS2015 poster)
Governing Narrative Events with Institutional Norms (CMN 2015)
An Interactive, Generative Punch and Judy Show Using Institutions, ASP and Emotional Agents (COIN @ IJCAI 2015)
An Interactive, Generative Punch and Judy Show Using Institutions, ASP and Emotional Agents (AISB 2015)
Artfinder: A Faceted Browser for Cross-Cultural Art Discovery (HSWI 2014)
Effect of Touch Screen Size on Game Immersion (BCS HCI 2012)